I’ve been open about my bereavement and the benefits of counselling

When Ros, from Northiam, experienced the death of her father (pictured) in February last 2019, she knew she would need some additional support.

“A month after my Dad died I visited my GP to see what bereavement support was available. After experiencing two traumatic miscarriages before, and at that time no support was offered to me, I knew this was too big to deal with by myself. The referral was quick and easy, and within a month I had been matched with a suitable Counsellor.

When my GP recommended the Hospice Bereavement Services I was open minded, and didn’t really have any preconceived ideas on what it would be like. I had 12 sessions at the Hospice, and my Counsellor was non-judgemental and allowed me take the sessions at my own pace. The first few sessions were very emotional, my Counsellor helped me put things into perspective and gave me the ability to cope.

Very sadly, during this period one of my good friends’ mothers died, my Counsellor gave me support so I could support my friend and gave me coping strategies for the funeral, for which I will be eternally grateful.

Since I’ve used the Bereavement Services, I’ve been very open with my friends, talking about my bereavement and the benefits of bereavement counselling, regardless of whether you have been bereaved for many years or more recently. I know accessing support can be daunting and there is a fear of the unknown but talking was one of the best things I could ever have done.”

We would like to thank Ros for sharing her story with us.

Find out more about our Bereavement Services.


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