Become a Patron and support your local hospice
Our Patrons Circle aims to generate regular, ongoing funds to support the vital services provides to our patients. These services include spiritual support, bereavement care, physiotherapy as well as our dedicated in-patient unit for those with life limiting conditions.
Starting from £20.66 per month you can join our Patrons Circle. For this you will receive regular updates on the work of the hospice and invitations to exclusive events throughout the year.
How to join our Patrons Circle
There are three levels of patronage, starting at just £20.66 per month;
- Platinum Patron: £1,000 or more per year
- Gold Patron: £500-£999 per year
- Silver Patron: £250-£499 per year
Annual membership is £30 including VAT. The remainder of your subscription is a donation and is most gratefully received.
Patron membership* can be paid by a single annual donation or as a regular gift by Standing Order.
Please contact our Income Generation Director on 01424 456377 or email us to receive a membership pack.
For reference the chart below shows the indicative minimum monthly amounts for regular payments:
Platinum | £1,000 annually | £250 quarterly | £83.33 monthly |
Gold | £500 annually | £125 quarterly | £41.66 monthly |
Silver | £250 annually | £62.50 quarterly | £20.66 monthly |
*Annual membership is £30 including VAT. The remainder of your subscription is a donation and is most gratefully received.

“I would like to say a very big thank you to St Michael’s Hospice for everything the staff and volunteers did during my husband’s stay with you. The care and devotion he was shown by every member of staff was amazing – you made his last few days comfortable and peaceful. The dignity you showed and gave meant everything to him.”