Val and Brian’s story began around 30 years ago after joining the Hospice as volunteers within 18 months of each other. Having both experienced support from the Hospice when their partners were cared for here, they felt volunteering was a way of giving back.

They first caught each other’s eye as they worked together on a range of voluntary roles. Their most memorable include delivering meals to patients, making cups of tea and being a friendly person to sit and chat to.

They also volunteered with the Hastings and St Leonards Support Group for a time and helped out at Open Gardens and Lights of Love. They currently enjoy hand-delivering the newsletter to supporters!

Brain and Val on their wedding day photographed in the garden of St Michael's Hospice

As love blossomed, Val and Brian soon became the first couple to get married in the Hospice Chapel. On their big day, they were welcomed into married life by the extra special ringing of the Chapel bells.

“It was a truly memorable day and as we took our first walk through the Hospice as a married couple, we were welcomed by cheers of joy from all.” commented Val.

We are always very grateful to our volunteers.  If you would are interested in becoming one of them you can find out more on our website

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